May 23, 2010

Could you find pleasure in Arab dance?

Could you find pleasure in Arab dance?

It is hard to find pleasure in dancing like this but if you grew up as the emergence of these nomads may differ in your opinion
Arab sheikhs find a lot of sexual pleasure in this type of dance, despite the dancers wear the veil, do not be surprised that the Arab world
Watch the 8 videos
من الصعب ان تجد المتعة في رقص مثل هذا لكن لو كنت نشأت مثل نشأة هؤلاء البدو ربما اختلفت وجهة نظرك
مشايخ العرب يجدون كثيرا من المتعة الجنسية في هذا النوع من الرقص رغم إرتداء الراقصات للحجاب ، لا تتعجب إنه العالم العربي
شاهد الفيديو

May 22, 2010


أمريكا يجب أن تعرف أن كرة القدم تختلف عن لعبة السكر الخاصة بها

USA have to know FOOTBALL NOT SOCCER  Alex Nimo drags Matthew Mbuta off the pitch

PAC-Man's 30th Birthday

PAC-Man's 30th Birthday

Concorde last flight before crash video

Concorde last flight before crash
أخر رحلة لطائرة كونكورد قبل التحطم

The American Academy of Pediatrics says kids younger than 2 shouldn’t watch any television at all. But, despite these warnings, 90 percent of 2-year-olds regularly watch TV, DVDs or videos, and one third of 3- to 6-year-olds have a TV in their bedroom

Why fasten our seatbelts. See that

Why fasten our seatbelts. See that
برجاء ربط الأحزمة

Ladies and Gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts turbulence is expected

More than enough to stop Iraq war

More than enough to stop Iraq war
أليس ذلك كافيا لوقف حرب العراق
 soldier shot in the head in Iraq

Very bad landing. video

Very bad landing. video
هبوط سئ للغاية

imagine this moment 

TV or not TV that's the question

TV or not TV that's the question
هل يجوز للأطفال مشاهدة التليفزيون

The American Academy of Pediatrics says kids younger than 2 shouldn’t watch any television at all. But, despite these warnings, 90 percent of 2-year-olds regularly watch TV, DVDs or videos, and one third of 3- to 6-year-olds have a TV in their bedroom

Saudi prince harem

Saudi prince harem
Saudi Prince Ordering Prostitutes to Beverly Hills Hotel
أمير سعودي يستضيف داعرات في فندق ببفيرلي هيلز الأمريكية

Saudi royalty is back in Beverly Hills to fulfill his fantasies. The Prince can currently be found held up with his harem at the famous Beverly Hills Hotel.
Apparently, one of the numerous Saudi Prince’s has had a number of prostitutes come to his beckoned call. But, before even meeting the Prince, they must first get a thumbs up from his personal assistant, who checks out the whores first to see if they’re cool.
But, Buss this — Dude is a cheap bastard! The Prince is spending less that 2k, this after those Saudi bastards charge us all that money for their fucking oil and treats their OWN citizens like peasants!

May 21, 2010

Protest half naked in Egypt

Protest half naked in Egypt
مظاهرة بالملابس الداخلية في مصر

A group of workers at Amonisto Company for Spinning and Weaving in protest, half naked, at Egyptian parliament, May 20, 2010. Protesters are enraged at officials' disregard to meet demands of overdue salaries
مظاهرات العمال تتصاعد في مصر لدرجة تظاهر العمال في النهاية بالملابس الداخلية أمام مجلس الشعب المصري

Pakistan blocked YouTube

Pakistan blocked YouTube
باكستان تحظر موقع يوتيوب

Pakistan has blocked the popular video sharing website YouTube indefinitely in a bid to contain blasphemous material, officials said on Thursday.
باكستان تحظر أكثر مواقع الفيديو انتشارا يوتيوب بحجة احتواءه على مواد مسيئة

Qatar royal family buys UK Harrods store

Qatar royal family buys UK Harrods store
شيوخ قطر يشترون هارودز

Egyptian-born businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed has sold prestigious London department store Harrods to the investment vehicle of the Qatar royal family in a deal reported to be worth around 1.5 billion pounds ($2.3 billion).
محمد الفايد أتم صفقة بيع درة التاج البريطاني والمعروفة بمحلات هارودز للعائلة المالكة القطرية مقابل مليارين وثلاثمائة مليون دولار

Lebanon to run out of water by 2015

Lebanon to run out of water by 2015
لبنان ستعاني من فقر المياه بحلول 2015

Fadi Comair, who heads hydraulic and electrical resources at the energy and water ministry, said that Lebanon could even run dry within four years.
فادي كومير أحد المتخصصين في الموارد المائية حذر مؤخرا من أن لبنان ستتعرض لحالة فقر مائي خلال الخمس سنوات القادمة

Sudan election days

Sudan election days

Sudan the land of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir,conflict in Darfur,humanitarian crises in refugee camps

أيام الإنتخابات السودانية
السودان أرض حسن البشير وأزمة دارفور وكارثة معسكرات اللاجئين

May 20, 2010

Traffic lights in Japan could you understand any thing

Traffic lights in Japan could you understand any thing
هل يمكن أن تفهم شئ من إشارات المرور اليابانية

Saudi women driving car

Saudi women driving car
المرأة السعودية وقيادة السيارة

Women who want to drive protest in the only country in the world where this is prohibited. In their view, the question concerns the recognition of their liberties
مازالت السعودية تمنع النساء من قيادة السيارات ..خمن لماذا

Saudi women photographed what a jock

Saudi women photographed what a jock
خمن ماذا يصور هذا الرجل

Iranian woman against Ahmadi nejad

Iranian woman against Ahmadi nejad
نساء إيران في مواجهة أحمدي نجاد

The picture shows an Iranian female student showing finger to Ahmadi nejad in defiance to his actions against the Iranian people
في الصور فتاة إيرانية تشير بعلامة إباحية لأحمدي نجاد بسبب قهره للإيرانيين

Greece may take further austerity

Greece may take further austerity
اليونان في طريقها لإضطرابات جديدة

It is true that the whole world has problems, but Greeks like to point out that they work to live, while the rest of us measures despite widespread protests from its people

حقيقة كل دول العالم لديها مشاكل لكن اليونان وضعها يختلف تماما

Revolutionary fake: Hezbollah

Revolutionary fake: Hezbollah
حزب الله الثورة المزيفة

Most Lebanese found themselves in one of two camps. For certain sections of the
For many others who publicly supported Hezbollah the issue was less straightforward. In their private conversations, they were unable to hide the frustration and anger at been caught in a situation they had not chosen for themselves and their families
معظم اللبنانين الذين تقابلهم وجدوا أنفسهم محصورين بين معسكرين أحدهما معسكر حزب الله، بالنسبة لمؤيدي حزب الله أنفسهم لم يعودوا قادرين على إخفاء حالة الإحباط والغضب التى لم يختاروها بأنفسهم بل اختارها لهم حزب الله

Taxi in India

Taxi in India
التاكسي في الهند

There are 60,000 taxis roaming the teeming streets of Mumbai
The most attractive on is three wheeled vehicle used like a cheaper version of a taxi across India
Beside you will find tricycle taxi too
هناك أكثر من 60000 تاكسي تجوب شوارع بومباي ، أكثرها إثارة سيارة بثلاث عجلات أصبحت الوسيلة المفضلة لدي الهنود
بجانب ذلك يمكنك أن تجد دراجة هوائية تؤدي هي الأخري وظيفة التاكسي في الهند

Millions are dying, but almost nobody cares

Millions are dying, but almost nobody cares
الملايين يموتون ولا أحد يهتم

What are you doing to halt the genocide and improve the situation in Darfur?
ماذا أنتم فاعلون لوقف تدهور الموقف في دارفور؟

What you are doing when you cannot block out the sun

What you are doing when you cannot block out the sun
ماذا ستفعلون عندما تعجزون عن حجب ضوء الشمس

Silly quatrain Girl posted
I'm really curious to know why only 420 people have signed this petition against Internet censorship in Qatar. 
Does this mean that the remainder of the population is in agreement with the draconian law which bans and blocks and censors access to information without a court order - at the whim of some little child who can rest his behind on a chair and tell us what we can and cannot access online?

Facebook blocked in United Arab Emirates

Facebook blocked in United Arab Emirates
حظر الموقع الإجتماعي فيسبوك في الإمارات

Access to the popular social networking website Facebook has been blocked in the United Arab Emirates. Some UAE internet users are confirming that the ban was ordered by the government-owned Etisalat

Kind of relaxation over the road in EGYPT

Kind of relaxation over the road in EGYPT
ممارسة الإسترخاء في الطريق

Google office in Egypt

Google office in Egypt
مقر جوجل في مصر

It seems that Egyptians people were sad because of Google ignoring they need for a local Google office so they deal with that matter by them self
يبدو أن المصريين قرروا أن يتغلبوا على تجاهل جوجل الطويل لإنشاء مكتب إقليمي له في مصر فقاموا هم بذلك بأنفسهم

How to make money with Pepsi name

How to make money with Pepsi name
كيف تجنى الأموال من شركة بيبسي

That’s happened in an Arab nation