Jun 26, 2011



The Holy Bible concentrates on "Jerusalem" which means "land of peace," or "vision of peace" as the center of the promised land, where God declares His dwelling among people. And a holy temple was established in it in His Name, where people worshipped Him, offered Him sacrifices and offerings, and celebrated many feasts as a symbol of the heavenly joy. This is Jerusalem, the symbol of heaven, that is called "Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all" Gal. 4:26.

On the other hand, we find Babel and Egypt; Babel represents disobedience to God, violence, vainglory (tower of Babel, Gen. 11), opposing God through His believers (the Babylonian captivity), adultery and abominations (Rev. 17:5).

Egypt was well-known for its abundant crops, and its king (Pharaoh) to whom Israel and Jude used to refuge against Babylon. Therefore, Egypt was a symbol of loving the temporary things and the trust in human hands (1 Kings 18:21).
Egypt was a refuge to many people, especially in famines.
Abraham visited Egypt (Gen. 12:10), so did Joseph who became the second man after Pharaoh, offering crops to all the neighboring countries. Jacob and his sons came to Egypt where they lived as a family and grew as a nation. It was the birth-place or the nursery of the people of God. Their first leader, Moses, the great prophet and his brother Aaron the first chief-priest appeared in Egypt to grant them freedom.
St. Stephen says, "And Moses was taught in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds" Acts 7:22.

Among the prophets who visited Egypt was Jeremiah who implored people not to flee to Egypt, but in vain, for they forced him to accompany them in their journey to Egypt (Jer.41:1; 43:7). He uttered his last prophecies in Tahpanhes of Egypt (Jer. 43:8-44:30).
Thus, Egypt became a representative of the Gentiles to whom Christ came to establish His Church and to form His new people.

Hosea, the Prophet, foresaw the Son of God going out of Bethlehem and fleeing to Egypt, where He found a welcome in the hearts of Gentiles. Through Hosea, God the Father uttered this prophecy, "I called my son out of Egypt" Hos. 11:1.
Isaiah the Prophet gave us more details, saying: "Behold, the burden of Egypt, the Lord rides upon a swift cloud, He shall come to Egypt, and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at His presence. In that day there shall be an altar to the lord in the midst of the land of Egypt" Isa. 19:1. St. Cyril the Great interpreted this prophecy saying: [The glittering cloud which carried the child Jesus to Egypt was His mother, St. Mary, who surpassed the cloud in purity.
The altar which was established in the midst of the land of Egypt is the Christian church which had replaced the temples of paganism as the idols collapsed and the temples were deserted in the presence of the Lord Jesus.]


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