Jun 28, 2011



The important stations where the holy family took shelter are:
The holy family left Bethlehem on its way to Egypt through Sinai. They followed the Southern Caravan way along the Mediterranean coast, passing through Gaza-Raphia
(Rafah)-Rhinocolura, (now El-Arish), and then to Ostrakini which became a diocese of Bishop Abram who joined the council of Ephesus 431 A.D

The last station for the Holy Family in Sinai was Pelusium (now Al-Farma), which is located between El-Arish and Port-Said and which is considered the key entrance to Egypt from the Eastern side.

From Pelusium they crossed to Bubastis (Tel-Basta), where they rested under a tree, that is said to have survived till 1850 A.D. Here, at Bubastis Hill, a spring of water erupted, from which the holy family used to drink; and its water healed many from their sickness.
Soon after the Holy Family resided in the city, the pagan statues began to collapse and this consequently aroused the anger of the pagan priests against the Holy Family.
Therefore, the Holy Family left to the outskirts of the city to a place now called "Mastard."

The Holy Family traveled to Bilbais, then to Miniat-Genah (now Miniat Samanoud), crossing the River Nile to Samanoud and from there to Borolos. They crossed the
River Nile to the Western bank to Sakha, then they traveled westward along Wadi-el-Natroun (Natroun Valley), south of the "Sheheet" wilderness. This wilderness became a paradise of monks, the earthly angels.
The Holy Family then traveled to Heliopolis, to a district called "Mataryah," where they took shelter under a tree, known as the "St. Virgin Mary Tree."
The Coptic church is taking care of this tree which is still blossoming despite its old age. Near this tree a spring of water shot and balsam plants are still growing. These plants are added to the ointments used to make the Holy Chrism (Oil for confirmation).
Pilgrims in the middle ages used to visit "Mataryah" and "St. Mary's Tree" regarding them as sacred places.
Until today tourists come to visit them.

Old Cairo is considered the third station for the Family.
Here we have St. Virgin Mary's Church and a nunnery which are both located at Zwayla lane. But the most attractive landmark is the cave in Babylon in Old Cairo in which there is an altar and a niche. It is probable that the Holy family might have used this cave as a place for the Child Jesus to sleep. Above this cave, a church had been built in the fourth century and is known as the St. Sergius Church (Abu-Sarga).
Within a week, the idols of the pagan temples began to collapse, the pagan priests aroused with anger and, forced the foreign family out of the city. Thus, the holy family left for Memphis then to Maadi where St. Mary's Church has been built. Perhaps, this church was a Jewish Temple.
The present structure with its attractive triple granary domes is known from the thirteenth century

The Holy family crossed the River Nile to Upper Egypt and headed east to Bahnassa (near Beni-Mazar), they then crossed to the eastern bank, where they stopped at Gabal-el- Tair (Mount of Birds) near Samalout.
From Gabal-el-Tair, the Holy Family went to Ashmounin near Malawi, then to a village called Philes, about 20 km south of Ashmounin. They traveled to Qoussieh (Qousqam) where they were treated harshly and were driven away by the very people who saw that their stone idols had fell before Jesus.
The Holy Family escaped to the village Mirah (now Mir), whence they took to the Qousqam Mountain on which the famous Monastery of the Holy Virgin, known as "Al- Muharraq" stands. There, at that mountain it had been revealed to them by Spirit to return back to Jerusalem.
They followed a way that took them to the South up to Assyout Mountain where they took shelter for a while in a cave known now as St. Virgin Monastery at Assiout.

The Holy Family might have passed through Zaytoun, a suburb of Cairo. On the domes of St. Mary's church at Zaytoun, a good number of St. Mary's apparitions occurred (from the 2nd of April 1968 until 1971).
Such wonderful apparitions occurred successively and were obviously seen by thousands of people.

It is said that the Holy Family passed by a watermelon farm where seeds had just been sown. St. Joseph asked the farmer to tell the soldiers, who were chasing them, that the
Holy Family passed by his farm at the time when he was sowing his seeds. Two days later when the soldiers arrived at the farm, the water melon had blossomed and some fruits were visible. This made the soldiers believe that the Holy Family had passed by this place several months before.
Therefore the soldiers slowed down the chase after the Holy family.

It is said that while the Holy Family was crossing the Nile to Gabal-el-Tair a huge rock from the Mountain was about to fall on their boat. St. Mary was afraid but her Son – who has power on nature - stretched His hand thus prevented the rock from falling, and left his palm print on it. Queen Helen, mother of Emperor Constantine, ordered that a church should be built at this place. In the twelfth century (1168 A.D), when Almeric, King of Jerusalem invaded Upper- Egypt, he cut away the piece of the rock and took it back to Syria.


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